What Babies Are Teaching Us
Did you know that newborns and unborn babies have amazing awareness, extraordinary memories, and advanced abilities? These are examples of what authors Elizabeth and Neil Carman, PhD, call the secret intelligence of babies.
Leaders in this ongoing global paradigm shift that began five decades ago include Françoise Dolto, MD, Thomas Verny, MD, David Chamberlain, PhD, and Akira Ikegawa, MD, PhD.
In 1983, Drs. Verny and Chamberlain co-founded the American Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology Association and Health (APPPAH) to help unravel the riddle of a baby’s secret intelligence. APPPAH is one of two professional organizations dedicated to research and education in pre- and perinatal psychology and medicine. The twin European organization of APPPAH is ISPPPM.
Babies Are Cosmic will expand your mind about who your children are and why they came to you.
“Babies Are Cosmic is a wonderful book to expand our usual ways of seeing babies into the exponentially rich domain of the sentient spiritual human baby. Let these family and clinical stories awaken new possibilities of connecting with and loving the babies in your life.”
WENDY ANNE MCCARTY, PHD, RN, author of Welcoming Consciousness:
Supporting Babies’ Wholeness from the Beginning of Life
Reading Babies Are Cosmic is like receiving a soul hug. Thank you for transmitting all these stories so elegantly and with such simplicity.
LAURA UPLINGER, ANEP (Nat’l Association for Prenatal Education, Brazil)
Researched and written with integrity, deep caring, and love of their topic, Elizabeth and Neil Carman bring us a volume that will expand human thinking about what is meant by “lifespan.” They stretch the boundaries of our experience not only back to conception, but to preconception. Babies Are Cosmic a wonderful addition to the literature regarding prebirth life.
DR. JEANE RHODES, Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology & Health
In their book Babies Are Cosmic, Signs of their Secret Intelligence, the Carmans used a two-pronged
approach to show evidence of the secret intelligence of babies.